“What Can I learn from American Elections that I did not know before?”
The 59th US election has gone from unusual to unexpected, to surprising to odd, to strange, too weird to bizarre, which is where we now find ourselves. COVID-19 has upended many aspects of normal life, including this fall’s election season. The pandemic has cast its long shadow over the process of voting by mail. At the same time, the nation’s social and political climate — fraught with protests for racial justice, erosion of shared democratic principles, and an increase in political conspiracy theories — has culminated in a November election like few others. The latest presidential debates with Biden trying to be in favor of Muslims, etc. What should we make of it all?
While there are numerous different parties in the US among all others they do have even the American Shooğing Party the main fight for presidential elections is between the known Democratic Party and Republican. But accept the mentioned two parties, the others don’t have any chance due to the voting system based on:
Plurality Voting when the winner takes all.
But not on Proportional Representation.
Blue states tend to go for the democratic party also called Democrats or Left on the other hand Red states are in favor of Republicans. There is another group of states known as purple states which have the swing vote meaning that we can not easily predict the election outcome. But these states can potentially determine it.
Major Ongoing Differences between the two major parties regarding founding principles and Progress Reform when it comes to the Republicans they do stand for Smaller Government, Pro-life, Wall Street, Smaller taxes on the other hand the democrats call for bigger government, abortion, and bigger taxes but not on the middle or lower class.
When it comes to the votes Not all votes count. — Each state has a count of “ELECTORS” — Those 538 votes are key to the White House. — Each state has a pre-designated number of electoral votes. — If a candidate takes the majority of the votes in a state; he wins all of the ELECTORAL VOTES. — So even if you don’t vote for a candidate; it does not count towards the election. SAD BUT TRUE.
If we tend to describe the presidential elections in few words largely it would be referenda on the performance of the incumbent part. Statistically speaking, in order to be a president in the US, you have to be white, male, and have hair. The study of history shows that a pragmatic American electorate chooses a president according to the performance of the party holding the White House, as measured by the consequential events and episodes of a term — economic boom and bust, foreign policy successes and failures, social unrest, scandal, and policy innovation. The fate of an incumbent party is largely in its own hands.
Yet When do Americans not change their president?
- James Madison, reelected during the war of 1812; — Lincoln, during the Civil War, reelected in 1864; — Franklin D. Roosevelt, reelected in 1944 during World War II; — Lyndon B. Johnson, elected in 1964 during the Vietnam War; — Richard Nixon, Vietnam War, reelected in 1972. — George W. Bush was re-elected in 2004 during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars
If you want to be elected in America you need to have money to cover enormous expenses of running a successful campaign. Donations and financial aid to the individuals and parties can be easily followed at FEC.GOV which is open to the public. Biden is leading Trump in terms of collecting more money.
Do Republicans and Democrats love each other? Based on the data provided from 1924 to 2014 they keep finding each other very unfavorable. Another fact is that each party tends to go more right or left by sticking to their ideals and values. (Republicans right, democrats left)
Another appealing fact ;
8 presidents died in office. Half: assassinated. Eight presidents have died in office.
●William Henry Harrison (pneumonia) ● Zachary Taylor (gastroenteritis) ● Abraham Lincoln (assassination) ● James Garfield (assassination) ● William McKinley (assassination) ● Warren Harding (heart attack) ● Franklin D. Roosevelt (cerebral hemorrhage) ● John F. Kennedy (assassination)
Women: Hillary Clinton was the first woman to be nominated for president by a major party ticket in 2016.
When it comes to TV debates they do remain the most-watched tv show programs by hitting the highest record of viewers It is like a national soccer game. Everyone is watching it wherever they are. They believe it is an important part of the democratic process and determine the outcome of elections but again it doesn’t very much affect the voters on the Election day.
When it comes to the 2020 Election as we already know there are two main candidates and the third one who is not officially on the ballot 😊
Joe Biden is a politician whereas Donald Trump comes from a business world, and Kanye West who by profession is a musician
One of the major predictor consisting of an 80% effect in the result in these elections are short economy stability and moreover, the security people feel about their future, the second predictor is more about how strong the incumbent party candidate is but in this election we have the variable of COVİD 19 which is ruining all the calculations and making more unpredictable the process itself and the result as well. Among the other factors, we see to be a health care supreme court appointment the coronavirus outbreak, violent crime, foreign policy respectively.
And we can surely say that if Corona wasn’t there Trump would have been winning the election due to the fact that the economy was quite stable.
Do not rely too much on polls they can say something far from the truth.
What do people say about their leader; People like Trump as a leader and they believe that he is for America and the American people. When it comes to Biden people supporting him say that he is not Trump
Swing States; these states can shift between each election cycle and they can be determined by looking at the past result opinion post, political trends, and any strengths or weaknesses of the candidates involved and their policies. Other areas that can influence gradual shifts or changes in population or demographics. (Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin) Apparently, some swing states are special as Valencia is since 1952 predicting right the outcome of the elections
In sum, there are many political parties but two dominate the elections, America is not proportionally represented, not every vote is equal, Both sides are getting polarized more and more due to the nature of politics, swing states are important because they can turn the outcome of the election.
And more importantly, watch out for some of the counties and they will give you a hint about who is going to be the next president of the US.
TURGEV TALKS “What Can I learn from American Election that I did not know before” Zorluhan Zorlu We appreciate the contribution of Mr. Zorlu with whom we had the chance to discuss the upcoming US presidential election. However, you can follow our web site in order to get more informed about our projects.